What are lucid dreams, and how can we achieve them?

lucid dreaming

50% of the population sleeps about 7 hours a night, which leaves ample time for dreams or nightmares to follow one another in our unconscious. Why do we dream? The desire to interpret and understand dreams dates back to Greek mythology when dreams were closely associated with deities. It is only relatively recently that empirical … Read more

Falcon as Spirit animal, symbolism, meaning and Powers

falcon spirit animal

Falcons are diurnal and powerful raptors that are part of the Falconidae family. They are very popular at the mountain level and very well known in the world except at the level of the polar regions. They are powerful predators that have greatly appreciated humans since antiquity. In this register, we provide you with this … Read more

What is the Mystery of Dreams

girl in mysterious dream

Dreams, surrounded by a mystical and mysterious aura, have intrigued human beings since ancient times. More than 4,000 years ago, the inhabitants of ancient Babylon attached a sacred importance to dreams. Not only did they have their goddess, Mamu, who watched over people’s good dreams, but they also developed documents on the interpretation of dreams. … Read more