Pregnancy Dream meaning and Interpretation

dream of pregnancy

Every day there are women worldwide who wake up saying something like: “I had a dream that I was pregnant. What does this mean?!” The interpretation of dreams is something that human beings have been studying and debating since time immemorial. There are written records on the subject that are more than 3,800 years old. … Read more

Dreaming of Eggs | Meaning and Interpretation

eggs in dream

Traditionally, the egg symbolizes the cosmos from which all life forms originate. It represents the fertilized world and the origin of manifested life. The primordial egg or the cosmic egg succeeds in chaos. It contains within itself masculine and feminine principles. It symbolizes renewal and cyclical births as rediscovered unity, which tends towards duality. But … Read more

Falcon as Spirit animal, symbolism, meaning and Powers

falcon spirit animal

Falcons are diurnal and powerful raptors that are part of the Falconidae family. They are very popular at the mountain level and very well known in the world except at the level of the polar regions. They are powerful predators that have greatly appreciated humans since antiquity. In this register, we provide you with this … Read more

What is a fever dream its interpretation and Meanings

woman dreaming in fever

These are just a few words that can describe the dreams when we have a fever. Researchers compiled a list of images found in dreams in a 2016 study. These images included giant insects and long-limbed creatures. Fever dreams often have more bizarre visuals than normal dreams. You may even be thinking about nightmares. What … Read more

Wolf as Spirit animal, symbolism, meaning and Powers

wolf totem and spirit animal

The wolf offers some of the most extraordinary animal meanings in the realm of spirit animals. The wolf’s power engenders instinct, intelligence, the appetite for freedom, and the awareness of the importance of social ties. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and a lack of trust. When the wolf appears in your … Read more

Dream about getting shot, Meaning and Interpretation

getting shot in dream

Dreams are messages from our subconscious that involve various situations and alert us to things happening in our lives, whether positive or negative, through the subconscious that originates the dreams. For this reason, it is essential always to try to understand the meaning of the dreams we have, especially when they are scary dreams, like … Read more

Dream of walking: What is its meanings?

couple walking in dreams

In dreams, walking is an action full of deep and symbolic meanings. Walking is a symbol of evolution and our advancement in life. It allows us to take a path and initiate our changes, whether physical or spiritual. What does it mean to dream of walking? The very fact of walking, symbolically speaking, indicates the … Read more

What is the meaning of Cats in dream

cats in dream

For millions of years, the cat has been not only one of the quintessential companion animals but also the incarnation of a perfect being or the personification of evil or superstition. Not surprisingly, dreaming of cats is one of the most studied dreams since they are unique beings to which many assign mystical qualities. In … Read more

What is the Mystery of Dreams

girl in mysterious dream

Dreams, surrounded by a mystical and mysterious aura, have intrigued human beings since ancient times. More than 4,000 years ago, the inhabitants of ancient Babylon attached a sacred importance to dreams. Not only did they have their goddess, Mamu, who watched over people’s good dreams, but they also developed documents on the interpretation of dreams. … Read more