The meanings of Spirit Animal Deer

walking deer

Deer symbolism is generally interpreted to mean that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. To put it another way, you must quiet your inner critic and treat yourself with kindness and compassion. As a result, the Deer meaning encourages you to stay true to yourself and pursue your goals. Also, look for your inner … Read more

Dreams about Tornadoes | Meaning and Interpretation

tornadoes in dream

Dreams are considered a source of important revelations about the human psyche because they are the fruit of the subconscious, which never creates them randomly. But, given its so veiled and fragmented appearance, regularly illogical, and the impossibility of knowing whether certain dream content implies something meaningful or not, dream interpretations have focused on finding … Read more

Pregnancy Dream meaning and Interpretation

dream of pregnancy

Every day there are women worldwide who wake up saying something like: “I had a dream that I was pregnant. What does this mean?!” The interpretation of dreams is something that human beings have been studying and debating since time immemorial. There are written records on the subject that are more than 3,800 years old. … Read more

Dreaming of Eggs | Meaning and Interpretation

eggs in dream

Traditionally, the egg symbolizes the cosmos from which all life forms originate. It represents the fertilized world and the origin of manifested life. The primordial egg or the cosmic egg succeeds in chaos. It contains within itself masculine and feminine principles. It symbolizes renewal and cyclical births as rediscovered unity, which tends towards duality. But … Read more

Spirit Animal according to Date of Birth

spirit animal a wolf

In the culture of the American Indians, animals figured a vital role. They were not only beings with whom they lived, but for them, they were their guides and protectors, somehow, their higher selves. They were called totem, power animals, or spirit animals. It is said that you do not choose your totem, but it … Read more