Dream of Prison its Meaning and Symbolism

prison in dream

Prison dreams are associated with feelings of mental confinement, a sense of restricted freedom in everyday life, and a life out of our control. A sense of guilt sometimes triggers this feeling of detention; a wrong would have been committed for which no explanation could be found, but the prison would be the punishment. Likewise, … Read more

Tooth Falling out in dream | Meaning

tooth falling in dream

Dreaming that your teeth are falling out is more common than you might think, and it can have a variety of meanings depending on the individual and their circumstances. Learn the significance of your dreams. What does it mean to dream that your teeth fall out? Many people have fantasized about losing their teeth at … Read more

Dream Meaning that You are Being Chased

dream of being chased

Dreaming that you are being chased, as well as other interpretations of dreams, are related to our fears or our deepest desires. We discuss the significance of the most frequently occurring nightmares. One of the most common nightmares is that you are being pursued by someone. Because of the distressing experience it causes us, it … Read more

Dream Meaning and Interpretation in Islam

dreams in islam

Representatives of any religious denomination have always sought to unravel the mysterious world of night dreams. Muslims are no exception to the rule. On the contrary, in the culture of Islam, dreams are perceived as something sacred, to which greater attention should be paid. I propose in this material to consider all the features that … Read more

Dreams about Tornadoes | Meaning and Interpretation

tornadoes in dream

Dreams are considered a source of important revelations about the human psyche because they are the fruit of the subconscious, which never creates them randomly. But, given its so veiled and fragmented appearance, regularly illogical, and the impossibility of knowing whether certain dream content implies something meaningful or not, dream interpretations have focused on finding … Read more

What are lucid dreams, and how can we achieve them?

lucid dreaming

50% of the population sleeps about 7 hours a night, which leaves ample time for dreams or nightmares to follow one another in our unconscious. Why do we dream? The desire to interpret and understand dreams dates back to Greek mythology when dreams were closely associated with deities. It is only relatively recently that empirical … Read more

Pregnancy Dream meaning and Interpretation

dream of pregnancy

Every day there are women worldwide who wake up saying something like: “I had a dream that I was pregnant. What does this mean?!” The interpretation of dreams is something that human beings have been studying and debating since time immemorial. There are written records on the subject that are more than 3,800 years old. … Read more

Dreaming of Eggs | Meaning and Interpretation

eggs in dream

Traditionally, the egg symbolizes the cosmos from which all life forms originate. It represents the fertilized world and the origin of manifested life. The primordial egg or the cosmic egg succeeds in chaos. It contains within itself masculine and feminine principles. It symbolizes renewal and cyclical births as rediscovered unity, which tends towards duality. But … Read more

What is a fever dream its interpretation and Meanings

woman dreaming in fever

These are just a few words that can describe the dreams when we have a fever. Researchers compiled a list of images found in dreams in a 2016 study. These images included giant insects and long-limbed creatures. Fever dreams often have more bizarre visuals than normal dreams. You may even be thinking about nightmares. What … Read more

Dream about getting shot, Meaning and Interpretation

getting shot in dream

Dreams are messages from our subconscious that involve various situations and alert us to things happening in our lives, whether positive or negative, through the subconscious that originates the dreams. For this reason, it is essential always to try to understand the meaning of the dreams we have, especially when they are scary dreams, like … Read more

Dream of walking: What is its meanings?

couple walking in dreams

In dreams, walking is an action full of deep and symbolic meanings. Walking is a symbol of evolution and our advancement in life. It allows us to take a path and initiate our changes, whether physical or spiritual. What does it mean to dream of walking? The very fact of walking, symbolically speaking, indicates the … Read more

What is the meaning of Cats in dream

cats in dream

For millions of years, the cat has been not only one of the quintessential companion animals but also the incarnation of a perfect being or the personification of evil or superstition. Not surprisingly, dreaming of cats is one of the most studied dreams since they are unique beings to which many assign mystical qualities. In … Read more